Personal Finance Under One Hour
Personal Finance in Under One Hour will not teach you everything there is about personal finance, instead it is designed to give readers a basic overview of personal finance in a book that takes about an hour to read. Let’s be honest, no one wants to read 300 pages, or even 100 pages, on such a dull, but vital, topic. People simply want to learn enough to get by and don’t need to be experts. This topic tends to be difficult because it affects your well-being, quality and personal satisfaction of life through these sensitive issues. This book will teach you the basics about personal finance while being short enough to read cover to cover in Under One Hour!
Click one of the links below to purchase on the platform of your choice: Amazon (See the below Store): Smashwords (all e-reader formats): Full Book; Section 1 (FREE!!!) We are also published at Barnes and Nobles, Apple, Google, Sony, and many others. |
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